




  • movable signal


自动无线空间移动信号发生装置的研究与制作_自动化论文、自动化论文范文_毕业论文范文网 关键词:自动;无线空间;移动信号 [gap=1704]Keywords: auto; wireless space; shifting signals



  • 移动信号处理Mobile Signal Processing

  • 照相机水平移动信号CMA-HS

  • 到移动台音频信号atms

  • 移动分配信道号mobile allocation channel number

  • 移动通信信号处理Signal processing in mobile communications

  • 国际移动通信设备号码IMIE

  • 移动电视没信号cmmb



The accuracy of this principle can be used in the mobile and non-mobile signal.


This thesis, seeing from the angle of interference suppression, focuses on a new solution to the high area ping-pong effect of mobile signals.


BY THE time you read this, I will be at a cliff-side cottage in south Devon, with no internet access, mobile phone reception, television or radio.


You can see all those and even more that are being actually used by Russian mobile phone users in their search of mobile connectivity.


When there is no phone connection or mobile signal, the unit records all transactions and transfers them to a bank's server when a connection becomes available.


Some 30 television stations in 17 cities across the country have now installed additional transmitters on their towers to beam live local broadcasts to mobile receivers mostly for nothing.


These signals produce the familiar signs of distress: trembling, perspiration and fast-moving feet, just to name three.


The satellite signals, along with inputs on speed from a wheel-speed sensor and direction from a meter, determine the car's position even as it moves.


Mobile phones are often prohibited in hospitals and on airplanes, as the radiofrequency signals may interfere with certain electro-medical devices and navigation systems.


Further, if you put two vials of homeopathically diluted EMS emitting water next to each other, the signal can move from one to another.


There is evidence some foreign embassies and consulates located in Afghanistan are capable of sophisticated signals interception to include the least protected mobile phones.


There is also the potential of interference between mobile phones signals and aircraft electronics.


Now, researchers have demonstrated the ability to nonintrusively record neural signals outside the skull and decode them into information that could be used to move a prosthetic.

系统不能探测到静止的物品,而当信号暂时被一个移动的物品(比如一个人)阻挡, 强度变量会响亮而清晰.

The need for variation means the system cannot see things that are stationary. When the signal is temporarily blocked by a moving object such as a person, however, it shows up loud and clear.


TV white space spectrum signals travel well, making it well suited for mobile wireless devices.


Mobile DTV is a broadcast standard (ATSC M/H) that allows devices to receive DTV broadcasts while actually moving, like on a commuter train.

发言人海军上校Jerome Baroe说,来自俄罗斯军舰上的信号一直在地中海到波罗的海之间移动

Spokesman Capt. Jerome Baroe said the signals had come from Russian warships moving from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea.


These cars are tenderly called “yozhiks” (”hedgehogs”), they move here and there and check the quality of the signals of their own mobile phone company and competitors.


“FMC may finally be taking off after so many false starts and empty promises, ” says Mike Thelander of Signals Research Group[1], a consultancy.


“FMC may finally be taking off after so many false starts and empty promises,” says Mike Thelander of Signals Research Group[1], a consultancy.


Many of the TV frequency bands have been vacated by TV's move to digital, so, in a country hungry for wireless resources, it was proposed that this spectrum get redirected to mobile access use.


Researchers use EEG to measure electrical activity along a person's scalp. These electrical signals can move a computer cursor, play video games and perform other two-dimensional tasks.


Despite some of the flakiest mobile-network coverage in the developed world, one in four households has now gone mobile-only.


Researchers have found that staying in a place with no mobile phone coverage, or suffering from the Internet going down, is a cause of high stress and anxiety for an increasing number of people.


Those are also signs that you might want to move to a tool that helps distribute some of that information more naturally.


Shock waves from a quake move quickly through the ground, but electronic signals are far faster, allowing warnings to outrun temblors.


A more efficient approach for live TV is to “multi-cast” a signal to all handsets using a separate radio network overlaid on the existing mobile network.


A more efficient approach for live TV is to “multi-cast” a signal to all handsets using a separate radio network overlaid on the existing mobile network.


Other signals move the read/write heads to read or write data on the platters.



移动信号 在铁路众多的信号中,有一种在施工或维修区段设置的信号牌、信号灯,这就是移动信号。移动信号相对于固定信号而言,是可以根据需要移动,临时设置的信号。 移动信号是铁路可根据需要随时选定线路的某个地点设置或撤除的信号。一般作为施工防护或发生设备及线路故障有碍行车安全时的防护信号。
