abbr.et al
等人 » et al. 事情想通了,脑袋也就通了,永远的再见,我的以前。
... and vice versa反之亦然;反过来也一样 and them等人 and then some至少;而且还远不止此 ...
其中, 赖德胜、李实和丁 赛、李雪松和赫克曼、罗楚亮、王海港等人及张俊 森等人 ( Zhang et al) 对我国城镇居民的教育收益 率进行了研究; [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] 陈玉宇和邢春冰、德布 劳和罗泽尔 ( De Brauw and Roz...
在那些计算机模仿程序外,最为著名确当属纽厄尔、中受等人(Newed & Simony)(中受,1986;危怨森,1990)1958暮年设计的“通用问题解决程序”(general problem solver)。
岁月不等人Time and tide wait for no man;Tide wait for no man;Time does not wait;Years ranging from human
时间不等人Time waits for no one;time no people;Wait times
上等人gentry;the upper class;Gentleman;The et al
法律面前人人平等people are equal in the eyes of the law; people are equal before the law;everyone is equal before the law;equality before the law;All are equal before the law
风潮不等人Sail while the wind blows
Clayton 等人制定了测试动物情景记忆的标准。
Clayton et al. developed criteria to test for episodic memory in animals.
《巴塞尔协议》是在1988年,你可以在Fabozzi 等人的文章中读到这方面的细节。
The Basel Accord was in 1988 and you can read about this in detail in Fabozzi, et al.
但Snyder 等人指出,抑制脑内磷酸二酯酶产生所需的咖啡因浓度要比产生刺激的咖啡因浓度高得多。
But Snyder et al point out that the caffeine concentrations needed to inhibit the production of phosphodiesterase in the brain are much higher than those that produce stimulation.
Malainey et al. find a possible explanation in late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century accounts from three frontiersmen who had adapted to lean-meat diets during extended periods in the plains.
The Greeks treated women as subhuman.
I'm waiting for someone to call me back with a price.
The package is waiting to be collected.
She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston.
The uprising is threatening the delivery of humanitarian supplies of food and medicine.
Oh, thou fox-hearted slave, I see it all!
It's waiting to be fed!
Introversion is now a second-class personality trait, somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology.
"You're subsidizing people to become priests and poets and so forth," says Heckman.
Master and mistress say thou to their servants, the superior to the inferior.
As to the rest, the man was very finely dressed--he must be a gentleman.
Contrary to the old warning that time waits for no one, time slows down when you are on the move.
Much of the waste is discarded rotten meat, mixed in with other human debris such as plastic bags and old toys.
Human landscapes of lawns, fields, or flowerbeds provide settings with bare soil and a lack of competitors that are perfect habitats for colonization by opportunists.
Popularly, one refers cynically to "human nature" in accepting the inevitability of such undesirable human behavior as greed, murder, cheating and lying.
While it probably wasn't apparent at the time, much of this work is permeated by a spirit of romantic escapism that the likes of Wordsworth would have readily understood.
In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled.
Professor Goel has a much rosier outlook on the future of artificial intelligence than, say, Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates or Steve Wozniak.
James and others said that this is an idea leading to a motor action, and that's why it's called "ideomotor action"—an idea leads to motor activity.
By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing.
By forging partnerships with people like Francis Altemose, the Conservancy has been able to protect more than 14,000 acres of environmentally important land in the area.
Morrison et al. describe such a genome from the diplomonad protist Giardia lamblia.
Cooperation is seemingly not the driving force behind the regional growth process. Bramwell et al said so.
Time and tide wait for no man.
Farmers in Phichit Province, among others, fought over the maintenance of sandbag barriers and sluice gates.
Among others who have attained this rank are Walter Bender and Har Gobind Khorana.
One of my favorite groups on campus is a group called Sustain Dialogue which invites students as well as faculties or staff members to come together over a meal.
So that's like a good time to that I get to, you know, see all my Harvard friends and things like that.
And here, Machiavelli gives a list of those heroic founders of peoples and states Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, Theseus, and so on.
the act of actually pushing someone over onto the tracks and killing him, you are actually killing him yourself.
We bring you in the--to the lab and we say to this group of people, "Please wait here.
If you knew your way around in the funhouse like your own bedroom, you could wait until a girl came along and then slip away without ever getting caught, even if her boyfriend was right with her.
The truth of the matter is if you look at the technology industry, there's always a few big guys, some medium size guys, lots of small guys, and the names are always changing because the industry is so darn dynamic, and there's so much new stuff being invented.
But after this umbrella level of equality come different types of people, and those different types of people are going to require different levels of rights. Gender, absolutely.
In some cases, we have to ask people to leave or they leave on their own.
We have freshmen in the class, we have graduate students in the class, we have people from business backgrounds, art backgrounds, psychology, science, just about everything.
And that fate is waiting for all of us.
and... sometimes, you know, beggars will wait at the stoplight and hold the sign
So this book, Fabozzi, et al.-- Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones and Ferri-- is a very solid book about financial markets.
He was assassinated by conservative Senate forces-- - you know, Brutus and Cassius and others-- on the Ides of March, as you all know, March 15th, 44 BCE.
And towards that end to give you a sense of the size of the support structure in place for this course, this is the size at the moment of CS50's staff inclusive of teaching fellows, course assistants, myself, as well as folks who help with our video production and the like.
Just so in fact the god seems to me to have set me upon the city as someone of this sort.
Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.
Well, Willett and others were doing studies for a number of years finding that Trans fats were having a very negative impact on health, but nobody paid much attention and they couldn't get much attention out there in the world for this kind of work.
In that process there is a metabolic engine at work, and some people have an efficient engine so that the calories in get banked in the fat, other people have an inefficient engine, that is the calories get wasted as body heat and things like that, and they tend not to gain weight.
I stopped at the stoplight and there was a homeless guy there, a beggar,
Bitter pride, chipper laughter Then silence, each waiting for the other to contribute something.
It makes no sense to think that it could try to kill the people who are trying to shut it down and so forth."
We need to deprive, again, the poets, the song makers, the lyricists, the musicians, the mythmakers, the storytellers, all of them, the power to enchant us.
When you all go and get driver's licenses or when you did get driver's licenses you have to pay higher auto insurance premiums than I do.
again carefullybecause I'm free to take anything from Key Terms and Key Concepts from the chapters that were assigned for this part of the course.
The interesting thing is that the next President of the United States will likely have a mandate for big changes Maybe it's just as well that Fabozzi, et al.
Just think of them as the set of abilities that people have, the things that we can do that other physical objects-- chalk, radios, cars-- those things can't do.
Political philosophy is the oldest of the social sciences and it can boast a wealth of heavy hitters from Plato and Aristotle to MachiavelliHobbes HegelTocquevilleNietzscheand so on.
He is referring to his relatives, men like Critias and Charmides, who turned Athenian politics into a tyranny and, which he says, " makes the"democracy look like a golden age."
等人 "等人"是个多义词,它可以指等人(汉语词汇),等人(曹方演唱歌曲)。