See you class
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
见习职类training class
类可见度Class Scope
见多重类元multiple classification
常见类型Common type of
大马发现罕见两栖类Rare Amphibian Found in Malaysia
见类型see type
常见的种类有鱼饭paella de peix
I'm done with the test-driven version of the perfect-number finder; the entire class is shown in Listing 9.
For the sake of continuity, recall the poorly designed string class discussed in part 1 of this series (see Listing 2).
The equivalent of a blanket in the human experiment was a ball held in the mouth of a dog which was being observed (dogs often use their mouths to manipulate things).
When Courfeyrac had addressed to him some remark of this nature, Marius avoided women, both young and old, more than ever for a week to come, and he avoided Courfeyrac to boot.
The good women can be brought home to meet the parents and appear in public with their partner openly, while this is conceived as the better of the two type's women know this is not the case.
We've identified four kinds of pros offering specific home improvement skills, with an emphasis on fast results with fees by the hour.
We've been called the visual primate, and the size of our visual cortex dwarfs the neural platform assigned to audition.
There must be a class to initialize that variable; the code is shown in Listing 8.
The package path of these element and attribute classes is dependent on the namespace of the XML node, whose naming is composed by use of the namespace, local name, and node type (see listing 2).
The constructor and destructor of the queue class are responsible for the creation and destruction of the mutex, as shown in Listing 1.
The good women can be brought home to meet the parents and appear in public with their partner openly, while this is conceived as the better of the two type’s women know this is not the case.
Rather than use IDs, you could use a class name or as is commonly used in lightbox scripts, the rel attribute (see Listing 10).
I also needed a regions list box (see the RegionList class) whose contents should vary depending on the current country.
如果在命令提示上输入groovySearchTest,然后看到OK (1test)(见清单7),就说明已经成功地把搜索脚本转换为可重用的类了。
If you type groovy SearchTest at the command prompt and see OK (1 test) (as shown in Listing 7), you have successfully converted your simple search script into a set of reusable classes.
You use a static class that has methods that run before and after the XmlObject changes, as shown in Listing 3.
I was pleased to see that Xerces developer Tinny ng added this to the XMLString class and went a step further to null the string pointer (see Resources).
SupportBe an类(见清单19)是一个简单的bean,包含一些和示例Web表单的元素绑定的属性。
The SupportBean class (in Listing 19) is a simple bean containing several properties that are bound to the elements of the example Web form.
You can create a new submit button on a form and link the button to a method on your Page class using the declaration shown in Listing 2.
Authenticator是一个抽象类,所以需要从它派生出子类,并实现 getPasswordAuthentication()方法来存储用户名和密码(见清单13)。
The Authenticator class is abstract, so you'll need to subclass it and implement the getPasswordAuthentication() method to store the username and password (see Listing 13).
PayRate defines fields common to both hourly and salary employees, as shown in Listing 4.
Next, look at the ValidValuesTable class, the base class for all specific list values classes (Listing 6).
关于closures的创造性使用的例子是,检查Pawel Turlejski的实用类,它提供与Groovy类似的阵列方法(见参加资料)。
For an example of the creative use of closures, check out Pawel Turlejski's utility class, which provides Groovy-like array methods (see Resources).
SalaryRate类继承这些字段并添加一个yearlyRate 字段,见清单5
Then the SalaryRate class inherits those fields and adds a yearlyRate field, as shown in Listing 5
For a quick recap of my look at the three timer classes available in the.net Framework, see the table in Figure 7 which compares these three classes.
假设希望把生成的类的名称由“Case”改为“Special Case”,见清单4。
Let's assume you want to change the name of a generated class, from "Case" to "Special Case", as shown in Listing 4.
Create a new message by using the boto message class, as shown in Listing 8.
Fundamentally, working with actors is not that difficult, the easiest being to simply create an actor using the actor method of the actor class, as shown in Listing 1.
To make Prototype's classes and methods available, download the latest file from the Prototypejs.org Web site and add it to your HTML page, as in Listing 9.
After the require statement, a class declaration stating that this class is a subclass of Test: : Unit: : TestCase must be added (as shown in below in Listing 6).
Let's look at the WorldCupGroup class and it's two methods shown in Listing 3.0.
Fatty acid chains are fat molecules, they behave, if you have a lot of them in solution like oil.
The other thing I want to let you know is that instead of having a new problem-set that you'll be assigned this Friday, what we'll do instead is we'll give you some practice problems, and these will be just more of the same type of problems that you saw before but that's another chance to try them out more.
类见 【词语】:类见 【注音】:lèi jiàn 【释义】 1、古礼名。诸侯死后世子见天子代父受国之礼。 2、比类而见。指由一事物由此而推看出类似的其他事物。宋韩彦直《橘录》:“今类见之。”