Lines like
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
先行像素编码previous clement coding
流行偶像Pop Idol;Popscene;Adam Lambert
巨像进行曲The March of the Icons
明星志愿之流行偶像Popscene;Star Dream
风行偶像Pop Idol
盛行偶像Pop Idol
平行成像parallel imaging
The lines in the script file are read as before and processed sequentially.
当地绝望的人以前买的喝水的钢罐像过大的信箱一样排成一行躺在地上。 (这句话不知道什么意思,可能翻译的不对,给出原文:Steel cans of drinkingwater bought by desperate locals linedirtroads like over-sizedletterboxes.)
Steel cans of drinking water bought by desperate locals line dirt roads like over-sized letter boxes.
表面上看来,该模式很像递归 —但它不是递归(而且重复调度不需要一定在最后一行进行,可以在您期望的地方进行调度)。
On its face, this pattern looks a lot like recursion -- but it is not (moreover, the repeat scheduling need not occur on the last line; it just makes sense there).
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men.
Rather than think of its syntax as just a line of text, consider what it "looks" like from a computer-language standpoint, as shown in Figure 1.
If they are all extended and the essence of matter is just extension, then it looks like, wherever you have a cubic meter of stuff, you have got a cubic meter of stuff, that's all there's to it.
He placed the most commonly used letters, like vowels, on the home row.
Banks such as Bear Stearns and Lehman made the fatal mistake of assuming that the markets (often their fellow Banks) would always be willing to roll over their debts, but they suffered a bank run.
This BMP, like all UCS planes, contains 256 rows each of 256 cells, and a character is coded at a cell by just the row and cell octets in the BMP.
Until recently, Banks like Lehman Brothers bought credits from renewable energy companies and used them to reduce their own tax liabilities - for the good that did.
He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as the house of Ahab had done, for after his father's death they became his advisers, to his undoing.
Gone are the days of simply mailing your resume, receiving a call, shaking hands at the interview, and agreeing on a start date for that new job.
The old man came to them instantly and bowed deeply to solute them, which frightened the girls away like a group of birds. Then they laughed happily, “Hi my dear grandpa!
What has been done today was commanded by the Lord to make atonement for you.
Now, either your status line or your copyright will appear as the host application developer intended.
This could be a thing as simple as a representation of a record in a database that consists of a mapping between column names and XML tags, where the element values in the XML contain the row values.
A big challenge for the industry is to create a fully active ETF that is able to move in and out of individual stocks, like a traditional mutual fund, while being tradable, like a stock.
Go to the person that you hope to learn from (a potential mentor) and tell them that you're willing to work for peanuts for a while in order to learn the tricks of the trade.
We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen.
After the official group photograph of the orchestra had finished, we were introduced to our 'guides' for the two-day visit, and shuffled into buses.
He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, but not as his father and mother had done. He got rid of the sacred stone of Baal that his father had made.
Rather than formatted per line as the Python filters do.
Line 2: You must specify the directory that contains FindBugs, which I did using an Ant property like this.
UpdateTimestamp()函数,通过专门将替换的范围限制在'[和 ']之间,在每个正在被编写的代码行上执行一个替代(s/.../.../),像这样:'[,']s/.../.../。
The UpdateTimestamp() function performs a substitution (s/.../.../) on every line being written, by specifically limiting the range of the substitution to between '[ and '] like so: '[,']s/.../.../.
UpdateTimestamp()函数,通过专门将替换的范围限制在'[和 ']之间,在每个正在被编写的代码行上执行一个替代(s/.../.../),像这样:'[,']s/.../.../。
The UpdateTimestamp() function performs a substitution (s/.../.../) on every line being written, by specifically limiting the range of the substitution to between '[ and '] like so: '[,']s/.../.../.
So in general, when you're running command line programs, they can take input or arguments or parameters or switches or flags.
just like the line numbers in any modern edition of Milton that's been produced for the likes of you, for the consumption of college English majors.
So the pieces we need are not only an image of Ruth, even if an imperfect image of Ruth, we also need some prior acquaintance with Ruth.
nano Well, anytime you run a program at the command line, like nano, you've almost always been putting one or more words nano hello cGCC helloc after that program's name; nano hello dot C, GCC hello dot C, and any number of MKDIR for make directory, and then peace at one or similar.
So here is the simplest program which is perhaps an ironic statement that you can implement with this language called C. So it takes a few lines of code to actually get something up and running and as you'll recall last Friday, I didn't even get this up and running because part of the process of writing a program is to one, write it.
行像 “行像”是一种宗教仪式。即把佛像安置在装饰性的花车上,众人随其巡行瞻仰、膜拜,此间伴有舞蹈、杂戏的演出。赞宁的《大宋僧史略》上说:“行像者,自佛泥洹,王臣多恨不亲睹佛,由是立佛降生相,或作太子巡城相。”这是佛教“行像”的起源,并且“行像”不断演变。