vide ante ; see above
... VIDAT (visual data acquisition) 直观数据采集,可视数据采集 vide ante 见前 vide infra 参见下文,见下 ...
- (见上文) [拉] vide ante [supra]; see above
参见前回篇的介绍Split Shadow
参见前文vide supra;vide suPageRanka
再见前奏曲Preludio de Adios
见前述Material threshold;Rand
我们没有会见前We didn't meet before
财前直见Naomi Zaizen
Patients with a pheochromocytoma (see previous page) will need to be started on special medications several days prior to surgery to control their blood pressure and heart rate.
The two products are treatments for the "wet" form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which can rapidly lead to blindness (see main story).
Each of your tables should have a different interval increase factor (see the previous paragraph) and should be applied to items of varying difficulty.
醛固酮增多(见前页)病人手术前应该检查血清钾浓度。 如果血清钾低应该先补充钾。
Patients with an aldosterone-producing tumor (see previous page) may need to have their serum potassium checked and take extra potassium if the level is low.
The following sections build on the insurance examples created in the previous articles of this series (see Resources).
As discussed in previous installments of the series (see Resources), you cannot really tune your paging Settings unless you really know what is going on in the host system.
In addition, many other people from the Open Source community have contributed to GDS development since it was publicly launched one year ago (see GDS documentation).
在见家长前,问问你的男(女)朋友:“你父母喜欢你前任么,为什 么?”
Before you meet the parents, ask your boyfriend/girlfriend: "Did your parents like your ex?
When we met three years ago, I thought: This is it, the browser I've been waiting for.
He remembers the morning he woke just before dawn, hoping to get his first glimpse of North America.
Newcomer Jacqueline (Charlotte Rampling) is also something of an angry ghost: once married to a gay man, she brusquely asks whether Bill is straight before letting him pick her up.
And finally, whenever a user picks a country and region, prefetch the first two pages just in case, as shown in Listing 4.
Viacom is controlled by the rarely seen Sumner Redstone, but run by a former corporate lawyer.
Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away.
When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! They took Dagon and put him back in his place.
Like Akio Morita (see article) and Ikujiro Nonaka (see article), Ohmae translated Japanese business culture and strategy into English.
Until your people are really tested (see "what is hard is good"), you can never be sure who will step up and who will falter.
A few decades ago, it was commonplace for husbands to expect to see tell-tale red marks on their wedding night.
Twenty years ago, I heard an American culture commentator noting with astonishment that many of Britain’s leading writers and artists were not well off.
Seven centuries ago seven white doves rose from a deep valley flying to the snow-white summit of the mountain.
The world's largest company, Wal-Mart, was founded in 1962 and did not go public until a decade later; multi-million dollar companies such as Google and Facebook barely existed a decade ago.
Fast forward a month to the last time I saw Luke. We were painting Land Rovers yellow in Kuwait and preparing to head over the border into Iraq and to war.
当世最大的公司—沃尔玛成立于1962年,自成立后近十年才上市。而诸如[gm 66nd]和FACEBOOK这种资产数百万美元的公司十年前才刚见雏形。
The world's largest company, Wal-Mart, was founded in 1962 and did not go public until a decade later; multi-million dollar companies such as [gm99nd] and Facebook barely existed a decade ago.
An alternative yardstick (see article) is to compare GDP per head now with what might have been expected if it had continued to grow at the same pace as during the ten years before the crisis.
中国全国电网能为99%的人口提供电力,在这点上它令印度等国相形见绌。但国际能源署(International Energy Agency,简称IEA)不久前警告说,中国供电中断的风险依然存在。
China has outshone countries such as India in connecting 99% of its population to the national electricity grid, but the risk of blackouts remains, the International Energy Agency recently warned.
中国全国电网能为99%的人口提供电力,在这点上它令印度等国相形见绌。但国际能源署(International Energy Agency,简称IEA)不久前警告说,中国供电中断的风险依然存在。
China has outshone countries such as India in connecting 99% of its population to the national electricity grid, but the risk of blackouts remains, the International Energy Agency recently warned.
见前 jiàn qián ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄑㄧㄢˊ 见前(见前) 现前;当前。《汉书·严助传》:“事效见前,故使臣 助 来谕王意。” 颜师古 注:“见,显也。前谓目前。” 宋 陆游 《九月一日夜读诗稿有感走笔作歌》:“诗家三昧忽见前, 屈 贾 在眼元历历。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二九:“而今时势,人家只论见前,后来的事,那会包得?”