




  • 观时

  • The concept of

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。





  • 悲观时间pessimistic duration

  • 客观时间SUBJECTIVE TIME;objective time

  • 主观时空subjective time and space

  • 最乐观时间optimistic time;optimistic estimate;most optimistic time

  • 时空观outlook of time and space; conception of space and time;view of space-time;space-time view;time and space

  • 非综观时间asynoptic time

  • 综观时间synoptic hour

  • 参观时间time to visit;Visiting time



But even when people act within a fact-based worldview, they are used to talking with sterile figures.


He had a fortune left him when his father died, but he just threw it to the dogs.


But sustaining flight on a wing and a prayer could be difficult for Huckabee as he faces increased scrutiny of his view of the world.


This classic parable provides the audience with a moral that resonates with all of humanity: If you put monkeys in charge of society, don't be surprised when everything explodes.


With that in the background of every conversation, patientsfrequently find it a relief to talk to someone like Roessel, who shares their perspective on the world.


One, by overexposing bacteria to antibiotics, you give bacteria a chance to mutate and become resistant.


In addition, when we read our words on the page, we have the opportunity to observe our own thoughts.


It's certainly more comfortable to hang out with people who share our own world views, and to seek them out when we're looking for more information.


What disturbs me, and one of the reasons I don't "teach Agile," is that people tend to develop a narrow view of the world when you give them just one approach.


A better understanding early on of how you each see and use money will give you the tools to find a middle ground you're each happy with when financial discord arises.


Many Web users subsequently said they greatly appreciated the film and most of them said they cried right along with Liu's parents.


Sorry we couldn't be more specific on the details and such, but trust us, the blinder you are going into this, the happier you'll be in the long run.


Summer is a fabulous time for taking a birding field trip, and the best birders know how to take advantage of summer birding and beat the heat at the same time without endangering the birds.


Now that 3d movies are becoming popular again, 3d glasses are getting a makeover. Companies are coming up with more fashionable designs that people can be proud to wear in theaters.


When, eight days ago, the An-Tiki was to be towed to sea by a whale-watching boat, I slumped in the cabin.

高积网状云。 “对于所有的云爱好者来说,能欣赏到这种难以捉摸的云彩无异于恩赐,”当下沉的气团在云层中形成空洞,网状云便出现了。

Altocumulus lacunosus. “An elusive prize for any cloud collector,” lacunosus clouds form when sinking pockets of air create holes in a cloud layer.


Take sacred time during the 24 hours of 1.11.11, most especially at 11:11, to hold these intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power.

我们在这里住了几天来景和感受一下这座城市,也结识了一些朋友。 (其中有一位朋友承诺,会在我们到达德黑兰陪伴我们。)

We spent a few days taking in the sights and sounds of the city, meeting some of its characters (one of whom promised us "the party of our lives in Tehran").


This is a film that's had people queuing around the block to see it and standing up to applaud as the credits roll.


The guy behind Now Do This came up with idea while eating breakfast, and his story reminds me of myself when I had a similar single-tasking revelation a few years ago. From the Now Do This blog


As the Warden turns to leave, Lincoln asks Pope who was in the viewing room for his execution.


Meanwhile, Analysys says, Google's share fell 2 percentage points from the second quarter, when it held the number-two spot, to 8.9% in the third quarter.


The quickening pace that helped the site reach the 2m article milestone just 17 months after breaking the 1m barrier suddenly evaporated: adding the next million has taken nearly two years.


X-Men: Apocalypse is set 10 years after these events, which were crucial in shaping who these characters have come to be when we catch up with them.

然而,迄今无一研究业已报告:adc的内部程序的特点和这些AD C值是否可以预测在化疗栓塞进一步的肿瘤反应。

However, no studies to date have reported the intra-procedural characteristics of ADC and whether these values can predict future tumor response at the time of chemoembolization.


Beer foam is one of the major factors when the consumer select beers, and also is a key sense-control criterion.


Beer foam is one of the major factors when the consumer select beers, and also is a key sense-control criterion.



