下面先谈游戏中的6种技能:计算机(Computers):黑客的重要工具。计算机技能决定了一个玩家在侵入计算机系统和 ATM方面的熟练程度和入侵时间。
- computer; calculator; calculating machine; computing machinery; electronic wizard; processor; programmer; accounting machine; brain unit; computator; counter measurer; counting mechanism:
giant-ultra-high-speed computer;
fifth-generation computer;
- 短语:
- 计算机安装 computer installation;
- 计算机按钮 computer knob; counter knob;
- 计算机闭环控制 computer close-loop control;
- 计算机编码 computer code;
- 计算机编目系统 computerized cataloging system;
- 计算机变量 computer variable; machine variable;
- 计算机变压器 computer transformer;
- 计算机病毒 computer virus;
- 计算机博奕机 computer game machine;
- 计算机操作 computer operation; computing service;
- 计算机操作人员 computer operator;
- 计算机测时仪 computer-chronograph;
- 计算机测试电路 computer test circuit;
- 计算机测试设备 computer test equipment;
- 计算机插件 computer socket;
- 计算机程序 computer program;
- 计算机程序控制 computer process control;
- 计算机程序设计 computer programming; machine programming;
- 计算机程序设计员 computer programmer;
- 计算机存储磁鼓 computer memory drum;
- 计算机存储器 computer storage; computer memory;
- 计算机代码 computer code;
- 计算机代码级 machine code level;
- 计算机单位 machine units;
- 计算机电路 computer circuits; computing machine circuit;
- 计算机动画 computer animation;
- 计算机动力学 computer dynamics;
- 计算机动态校验 dynamic computer check;
- 计算机发展阶段 computer generations;
- 计算机方程 computer equation; machine equation;
- 计算机仿真 computer simulation;
- 计算机分析员 computer analyst;
- 计算机服务 computer service; compuserve;
- 计算机服务机构 computer service organization;
- 计算机辅助测试 computer-aided test;
- 计算机辅助程序设计 computer-aided programming;
- 计算机辅助分析 computer-aided analysis;
- 计算机辅助管理 computer assisted management;
- 计算机辅助教学 computer-aided [computer-assisted] instruction;
- 计算机辅助设计 computer-aided design;
- 计算机辅助生产[制造] computer-aided manufacturing;
- 计算机辅助解题系统 computer assisted problem-solving system;
- 计算机辅助设计 computer aided design;
- 计算机辅助识别 machine-aided cognition;
- 计算机辅助网络设计 computer-aided network design;
- 计算机辅助文件编制 computer-aided documentation;
- 计算机辅助诊断 computer-aided diagnosis;
- 计算机辅助指令 computer aided instruction; computer assisted instruction;
- 计算机复合系统 computer complex;
- 计算机负零值 negative computer;
- 计算机工艺 computer art;
- 计算机工作检验 dump check;
- 计算机功能结构 computer architecture;
- 计算机共用 computer utility;
- 计算机管理 computer-management;
- 计算机管理指令 computer managed instruction;
- 计算机回路 computer circuit;
- 计算机会议 computer conferencing;
- 计算机绘图仪 complotter; computer plotter;
- 计算机基本操作 computer elementary operation; machine elementary operation;
- 计算机基座 computer base;
- 计算机机房 computer room;
- 计算机激光技术 laser technique in computers;
- 计算机-计时器 computer-timer; computer-chronograph;
- 计算机技术 computer technique; computer art;
- 计算机继电器 computer relay;
- 计算机监视控制 supervisory computer control;
- 计算机监视系统 computer monitor system;
- 计算机键盘印字机 keyboard computer printer;
- 计算机校验 computer check; machine check;
- 计算机教育 education for computer; education of computer;
- 计算机接口 computer interface;
- 计算机结构 computer configuration;
- 计算机结构设计 computer architecture;
- 计算机结构语言 computer structure language;
- 计算机解 machine solution;
- 计算机开环控制 computer open-loop control;
- 计算机科学 computer science;
- 计算机可读数据 mechanized data;
- 计算机可用语言 computer-sensitive language;
- 计算机控制 computer control;
- 计算机控制测试台 computer test stand;
- 计算机控制冲天炉 computerized cupola;
- 计算机控制方式 computer control mode;
- 计算机控制计数器 {自} computer control counter;
- 计算机控制系统 computer-control system; computer-controlled mode;
- 计算机控制状态 computer control state;
- 计算机控制自动转报 computer controlled telegraph switching;
- 计算机框图 computer block diagram;
- 计算机理论 computer theory;
- 计算机零件程序 computer part program;
- 计算机零值 computer zero;
- 计算机逻辑 computer logic; logic of machine;
- 计算机逻辑电路 computer logic circuit;
- 计算机迷 compufan; computer fan;
- 计算机面板 register face;
- 计算机名字 computer-name;
- 计算机模拟 computer simulation;
- 计算机模拟模型 computer simulation model;
- 计算机模拟器 computer simulator;
- 计算机模型 computer model; computer module;
- 计算机能力 computer capacity;
- 计算机排字 computer typesetting;
- 计算机排字系统 computer typesetting system;
- 计算机配色 computer for colouring;
- 计算机配置 computer configuration;
- 计算机曲面 computer surfaces;
- 计算机全息术 computer holography;
- 计算机热 computer craze;
- 计算机软设备 computer soft ware;
- 计算机设备 computer equipment;
- 计算机设计语言 computer design language;
- 计算机设计自动化 computer design automation;
- 计算机设置 computer installation;
- 计算机时间 computer time; machine time;
- 计算机实用程序 computer utility;
- 计算机式导航设备 computerized navigation set;
- 计算机世代 computer generations;
- 计算机视觉 computer vision;
- 计算机输出缩微胶片 computer output microfilm;
- 计算机输出缩微摄影 computer output microfilming;
- 计算机输入穿孔机 {自} computer entry punch;
- 计算机输入凿孔机 computer entry punch;
- 计算机思维 computer mind;
- 计算机伺服部件 computer servo unit;
- 计算机伺服机构 computer servo mechanism; computer-service organization;
- 计算机算子 computer operator;
- 计算机体系结构 computer architecture;
- 计算机通话 computalk;
- 计算机通信 compunication; computer communication;
- 计算机通信软件 computer communication software;
- 计算机通信系统 computer communications system;
- 计算机通信网 computer communication network;
- 计算机图解 computer graphics;
- 计算机图像 computer picture;
- 计算机图像处理 computer image processing;
- 计算机图形法 computer graphics;
- 计算机图(形)学 {图} computer graphics;
- 计算机外存储器 computer file;
- 计算机外壳 counter body;
- 计算机网(络) computer network;
- 计算机网络部件 {自} computer network components;
- 计算机维护 computer maintenance;
- 计算机文化 computer culture;
- 计算机误差 computer error;
- 计算机系列 computer family; computer series;
- 计算机显示 computer display;
- 计算机显示部件 computer display unit;
- 计算机显示器 computer display;
- 计算机显示仪 alphascope;
- 计算机现场维修 computer field service;
- 计算机相关语言 computer-depended language;
- 计算机效率 computer efficiency;
- 计算机效益 computer utility;
- 计算机信息元 computer word; machine word;
- 计算机选择 computer option;
- 计算机学习 computer learning;
- 计算机样机 computer module;
- 计算机业余爱好者 bit-bender;
- 计算机意识 computer consciousness;
- 计算机溢出 computer overflow;
- 计算机音乐 computer music;
- 计算机应用 computer application; computer utility;
- 计算机应用标准 computer application criterion;
- 计算机应用差距 computer gap;
- 计算机硬设备 computer hardware;
- 计算机用户 computer; computer user;
- 计算机用语 computerese;
- 计算机游戏 computer game;
- 计算机有效时间 computer useful time;
- 计算机语 machine word;
- 计算机语言 computer language; machine language;
- 计算机语言翻译器 computer language translator;
- 计算机语言学 computational linguistics;
- 计算机元件 computer components;
- 计算机运行 computer run;
- 计算机站 computer installation;
- 计算机诊断 computer diagnosis;
- 计算机正零值 positive computer;
- 计算机直观显示 computer animation;
- 计算机指令 computer instruction;
- 计算机指令系统 repertoire of computer;
- 计算机指示器 computer indicator; computer display;
- 计算机制表 computer tabulation;
- 计算机制图 computer graphics;
- 计算机智力 computer mind;
- 计算机中心 computer centre; electrodata centre;
- 计算机主机架 computer main frame;
- 计算机主频 computer main frequency;
- 计算机专家 computernik;
- 计算机转向语句 computer Go To statement;
- 计算机装置 computer installation;
- 计算机状态 computer mode;
- 计算机字 computer word; machine word;
- 计算机字符组 computer character set;
- 计算机综合 computer generalization;
- 计算机综合法 computer synthesis;
- 计算机族 computer family;
- 计算机组 computing group
计算机网络[计]Computer Network;computer;network;Computer Networking BSc Hons
计算机语言[计]computer language;[计]computerese;machine language;COL
电子计算机[计]computer;[计]electronic computer;[计]electronic brain;electronic calculator
计算机病毒[计]Computer Virus;Virus;die Computerviren;Calculator virus
计算机辅助制造CAM;Computer Aided Manufacture;CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing
微型计算机[计]microcomputer;Geek;minicomputer;Micro Computer Magazine
计算机科学[计]Computer Science;BSc Computer Science;BSc in Computing Science;Computing Science
计算机辅助设计CAD;Computer Aided Design;Computer-aided design
计算机视觉[计]computer vision;machine vision;OpenCV;computer
Computers are very efficient at manipulating information.
Computers can now output data much more quickly.
The technology uses a pen to manipulate a computer.
You need a password to get access to the computer system.
Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind.
My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet.
Literacy now includes elementary computer skills.
Computers are now commonplace in primary classrooms.
Computer software can be used to simulate conditions on the seabed.
This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer.
The company has spent thousands of pounds updating their computer systems.
Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer.
The firm has computerized its records.
The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order.
The data are stored in the computer's memory.
It's the world's biggest computer company.
Computer screens should be at eye level.
He hacked into the bank's computer.
No payments were made last week because of a computer error.
Her job has something to do with computers.
Computer wires were trailing all over the floor.
We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.
Computers have changed the way people work.
Their pay was late because of a computer bungle.
Today's silicon chip-based computers can't come close.
Computer crimes include data theft and pirating software.
Having your own computer is very useful.
The factory has been fully computerized.
We think there's something wrong with the computer.
The company deals in computer software.
The work that goes on at the Center for Educational Computing Innovations really falls into three Different intersecting areas.
Well, it turns out on most computers an address of the location and memory, aka a pointer, is itself 32 bits.
So we've seen one example of this, this idea of walking through all the integers looking for the square root.
And the answer is, unlike many, unlike commercially generated computers, the brain works through parallel processing, massively parallel distributed processing.
And I'm inclined to think, "Yes." In fact, I already suggested as much when I talked about the chess-playing computers.
So there are also an increasing number of women in computer science and particular this course which we are thrilled about.
> In any case, that high school has like $10 million worth of computer equipment apparently in the front of it.
And just as a fun aside, we also realized as computer scientists that sometimes technology is not the answer.
People tend to think, because the computer says it's so, it must be so. That the computer is- speaks for God. And therefore it's infallible.
OK, and that leads now to an interesting question, which would be, "How do I build a mechanical process to capture that set of computations?"
One of the perhaps easiest ones to put your finger on is what if the computer is out of memory?
Well, the infinity mechanism, and many of you will be familiar with this from mathematics or computer science, is recursion.
And the robot or the computer or what have you is just automatically, mechanically following the code commands of the program.
For the simple reason that the number of possible chess games is so huge, that computers can't calculate it.
It's 33, 32, it's only 32 times and you can check that math at home but here lies the power of algorithmic thinking, of computational thinking as they say.
And so this, in fact, when you say your computer stores information as zeros and ones, A you've just typed the capital letter A, that's all that's going on inside.
But really, the computer's just so fast I'm drawing the same string with just a slightly different number again and again after going to sleep one second at a time.
And then, finally, the last tactical skill that you're going to get out of this course is you're going to have the ability to map scientific problems into a computational frame.
You might remember vaguely logarithms from high school math and such but what this suggests for us , the computer scientists, is that this is certainly a smarter, a faster algorithm.
The process to control it is intriguing and interesting but the heart of the computer is simply this notion that we build our descriptions, our recipes, on a sequence of primitive instructions.
It's just not possible to solve some of these problems by hand and this isn't even a domain that's necessarily into the world of CS but speaks to you the applicability of it all.
But we know already from week zero that computers ultimately represent all information with numbers, and if they want to represent letters inside memory, well what do they do or what do they use?
Which is, answers can be wrong.
And they were kind enough to send us this magnetic tank which we'll call forth from the computer solutions to a series of problems that would occur on a simulated flight to the planet Saturn.
You cannot just tell the computer to enhance that or can you clean that up and then magically use zoom in not only on the image but also on the reflection of the victim in someone's eyeball.
Like how can you possibly figure that out with actually compelling a machine to do it for you and sure enough we chatted for a few moments, I kind of gently pointed out well it's kind of like problem 7 last year.
And I want to stress this, we're going to come back to it later on in the term, so the way I'd like you to think about it for now, is that somewhere in the machine, there's a big space that contains all possible values.
The chart you see here suggests that 72% of last year's students had zero prior computer science background.
As I said, our strategic goal, our tactical goals, are to help you think like a computer scientist.
Computers smart though they may be and intimidating though they may be, they cannot yet think for themselves.