




  • 负米

  • Negative m

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 米负载噪音dBA

  • 纳米负离子粉HTQ;Anometer Negative Ion Powder

  • 负责人德米特里夫Vladimir Dmitriev

  • 纳米负离子内墙涂料nanometer anlon inwall paint

  • 负电性纳米银negative silver colloid

  • 负载纳米金催化剂supported nano-gold catalyst

  • 负定埃尔米特形式[数]negative definite hermitian form



At an early age, as his family was poor, he often took wild vegetables as food, but still he carried sacks of rice for more than a hundred li to raise his parents.


For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.


So, if we do this calculation for an electron, saying it moves at 10 to the 5 meters per second, then what we end up with for a wavelength is 7 times 10 to the -9 meters.


So 1.1 times 10 to the -31 meters is not, in fact, a significant number when we're comparing it, for example, to the length of a ball, or the size of the baseball field.


So, if we kind of think about the Numbers we would need, we would actually need a velocity that approached something that's about 10 to the negative 30 meters per second.


Some theories suggest that the quantum nature of space should manifest itself at the ‘Planck scale’: the minuscule 10-35 of a metre, where a millimetre is 10-3 m.


If the computer is playing as min, it will obviously try to minimize the point value, with a win being equal to the smallest possible value (negative 1 million, for instance).


That would give me a cross-sectional area of eight times ten to the minus five square meters.


The Buddha's "first atoms" are, therefore, 4 centimeters divided by 7 ten times, which is 0.04 meter x 7 to the minus 10 or 0.00000000001416 meter, which is more or less the size of a carbon atom.


In winter, the lowest temperature was minus three degrees and the snow on the earth was no more than five millimeters.


Some Kaminoans, holding the Empire solely responsible for the Kamino's woes, began surreptitiously cultivating a liberation army of Kamino-loyal clones who would oppose the Empire.

晚季穗长因子对产量有极显著正线性关系; 整精率因子对食味品质有极显著线性关系。

Panicle length factor had very significantly positive linear relationship to yield, head rice factor had very significantly negative linear relationship to EQ in the late-cropping season.


Being the creator for three of the world's greatest icons: the statue of David, the painted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican and the dome of St.


An area called Badwater sits about eighty-six meters below sea level. There is not really any water there.

该呼吁发出的最明确的信号是- - -凯莱蒂先生未必对现僵局主要责任。

The call was the clearest signal yet that Mr. Micheletti might not be primarily responsible for the stalemate.


I also declare that I am in healthy condition, and can swim 50 meters in light clothing. I understand that I will take full responsibility of my safety and property.


I also declare that I am in healthy condition, and can swim 50 meters in light clothing. I understand that I will take full responsibility of my safety and property.


And what we find out is the wavelength of a Matsuzaka fastball is 1.1 times 10 to the -31 meters.


If we think about the size of a typical cell - excuse me, now I'm getting confused about nuclei.


I like the angstrom. It is 10 to the minus 10 meters.


So, if we kind of think about the numbers we would need, we would actually need a velocity that approached something that's about 10 to the negative 30 meters per second.


So 1.1 times 10 to the -31 meters is not, in fact, a significant number when we're comparing it, for example, to the length of a ball, or the size of the baseball field.


So, if we do this calculation for an electron, saying it moves at 10 to the 5 meters per second, then what we end up with for a wavelength is 7 times 10 to the -9 meters.


If we think of the size of a typical atom, we would say that would be about 10 to the negative 10 meters. So, we can see the diameter of a nucleus is absolutely smaller really concentrating that mass into a very small space.



负米 春秋时期,孔子的学生子路身强力壮,刚直好勇,虽然性情有些粗暴,但是为人诚实,非常孝敬父母。 子路的父母去世后,子路就跟随孔子到处游学。一天,子路去见老师,老师看到他非常伤感,询问其中的缘故。子路对老师说,人们说背负沉重的东西行走,不会挑选地方歇息;常州贫穷,敬养老人,就不要计较俸禄多少才做官。孔子说子路真有孝心。子路又说:“过去我奉送父母也是这样:自己经常吃一些粗劣饭菜,而不辞辛苦,从百里外的地方给父母背来大米,供父母吃。现在父母去世之后,我跟随先生到南方游历诸国,坐着华丽的车子,吃着丰盛的菜肴,可是心中十分怀念逝去的双亲,很想为了他们再让自己吃些粗茶淡饭,给父母背粮食。”孔子听了子路的话,也不禁叹息到:“是啊,侍奉双亲就如同串在绳子上的干鱼不能长期保存一样。父母晚年就像白马过隙一样短暂,我们尽忠就是能尽孝,真是忠孝不能两全啊!”
