




  • 边词

  • While word

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。


... 江行无题/At the Riveide 边词A Frontier Song 渔父/A Fisherman ...



  • 字词边界Word Boundaries

  • 单词边界word boundary;Word Boundaries

  • 边缘介词marginal prepositions

  • 强调后边的介词短语right

  • 边际从属连词marginal subordinator

  • 词在唇边tip-of-the-tongue

  • 词根边界bound

  • 边缘谓词[计]edge predicate

  • 边塞词Frontier Fortress Ci;Frontier Words



If only they wouldn't use the word "hurt" I might be able to get somewhere. But I did not allow myself to be hurried or disturbed but speaking quietly and slowly I approached the child again.


The only good thing about this was the spurious inverted commas around watershed, suggesting the author was experiencing some discomfort at the scale of the linguistic crimes being committed.


If I’m using the word “allegedly” a lot, it’s because it depends on who you believe – the CAH or DWF.


Whatever they say, the fact is that people like Mr. Shelby are on the side of the plutocrats; the American people should be on the side of the punks, who are trying to protect their interests.


The first paragraph should include key words for good search engine optimization (SEO), and touch on what you will cover in the post


"I don't know this word," the elf squeeked while reading Patrick's homework. "Get me a dictionary.


"I don't know this word, " the elf squeeked while reading Patrick's homework. "Get me a dictionary.


She opened her mouth, singing the word "girl," and the colors assumed the shape of a young lass in a blue dress with yellow frills.


For example: take notes while listening to the side of the key words and important information.


The word "kitchen" is derived from "fireplace", where people sat chatting around a bonfire.


The style of debating where each side presents an argument gets its name from the 1858 debates in Illinois between U. S. Senate candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.


A good way of training yourself to distinguish word boundaries is to listen to recording of English, while silently reading the printed text at the same time.

训练你自己分辨之间界线的最好方法是一听英语录音,一默读与之对照的课文。 类似这类的材料可说是汗牛充栋,你可以以这种方法同时训练眼和耳。

There are whole libraries of books on tape, so that you can listen and read at the same time to train the ear and the eye simultaneously.


"Excellent in Province, Industry, and Nation" on the one hand is the "old" advertisement, and on another hand is to search for the "new" direction of performing arts, and start like a silence play.


"Excellent in Province, Industry, and Nation" on the one hand is the "old" advertisement, and on another hand is to search for the "new" direction of performing arts, and start like a silence play.



边词 《边词》是唐代诗人张敬忠的作品。此诗将边塞风物荒凉的景象与长安城暮春景色进行对比,表达了戍守荒寒北边的将士对帝京长安的怀念,亦含对边塞风物的欣赏。全诗言辞淳朴,行文从容,风采天然。
