




  • 道味

  • The flavour

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 味道[食品]Taste;odour;Scent;The Fragrance

  • 众味道味胜sabbarasaj dhammaraso jinati

  • 苏道味Arthur Sowerby

  • 金钱的味道The Taste Of Money

  • 味道好的delicious;tasty;[食品]tasteful

  • 味道纯正good taste

  • 毫无味道dish water;schmacklos

  • 合味道cup noodles

  • 味道浓的tangy

  • 味道好Great Taste;delicate;Tastes good;delicious



He added: "I want to be very clear that our goal is to construct a legitimate legal framework for guantanamo detainees - not to avoid one."


When a dish seems to be lacking something and you've already seasoned it with salt, sometimes what's missing is acid.


The resin-heavy broth transforms would-be standard pub fare into a debutante’s delight of a dinner.


Seeing drunken shrimp on a menu might raise your hopes of some kind of delicious bourbon BBQ prawn dish.

在她于冉冉升起的烟雾和音乐中上台起舞之前,他在后台于她耳边低语:“祝你演出成功。” 连带那甜丝丝,带有烧炭的呼吸一同送进她的耳里。

“Break a leg, ” he whispered backstage, sweet charcoal breath in her ear before she danced and disappeared behind the rising smoke and music.


Or they saw a virtuous fruit salad first, which they guessed was 311 calories. After which they estimated the same cheese-steak as having 787 calories.


Jeremy Wood, a coffee and training manager at coffee wholesalers Masteroast in Peterborough, added: "It has a really woody and spicy flavour.


The original love people have to thank the forgotten, makes the ball pit village village road, the trail or large cobbled road.


The sweet rich taste of the water amazed him, and as he drank, he thought, God, this is splendid.


The success of The Twelve Feng Taste's first season – and its return for a second go-around – herald another evolution in the long history of TV cooking shows.


Chen said during the 10-day event, she had to talk with scores of foreign businessmen everyday. "the heavy perfume they were wearing made me sick!" she complained.


We ate a green salad, strongly spiced with garlic and pepper.


The traditional French menu, a total of 13 dishes to choose from, each dish component, delicious and delicate, the contents of the following order.


With hints that Tse may open his own restaurant, the Twelve Feng Taste's second season may mark the rise of a new celebrity chef - one who's more celebrity, less chef.


Conclusion Xiaoqinglong decoction and Ginseng?Schisandrae decoction may regulate immune system by influencing the expression of GATA?3, which plays an important role in treating asthmatic mice.


We have temporarily removed strawberry flavored Pulpy Milky product from shelves in Jilin Province only, " Coca-Cola said."


Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty, and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all.


The EU this month in the court's ruling means that within the EU, clothing and sports shoes, if you use two, three or four stripes design, it is very likely violated the Adidas trademark.

其实做饭很简单,但是却非常好。 有机会大家可以在家尝试做一下。 下面是我见过的成品供大家参 详。

Here is the final food for your reference and you can try to make one at home.

其实做饭很简单,但是却非常好。 有机会大家可以在家尝试做一下。 下面是我见过的成品供大家参 详。

Here is the final food for your reference and you can try to make one at home.



道味 dào wèi ㄉㄠˋ ㄨㄟˋ 道味 (1).佛道教义之真意。《世说新语·方正》“昔尝与 元 明 二帝、 王 庾 二公周旋” 刘孝标 注引《高逸沙门传》:“ 晋 元 明 二帝,游心玄虚,托情道味。” 唐 崔融 《报李少府书》:“夕饱儒珍,朝充道味。” 宋 周邦彦 《汴都赋》:“上方咀嚼乎道味,斟酌乎圣泽,而意犹未快,又欲浮槎而上,穷日月之盈昃,寻天潢之流派。” (2).超凡出世的情志。 唐 李乂 《送沙门弘景道俊玄奘还荆州应制》诗:“ 汉 珠留道味, 江 璧返真源。” 元 杨载 《题广寒龙先生诗卷》诗之三:“古来闻有列仙儒,栖宿巖峦道味腴。” 清 魏源 《默觚上·学篇十》:“故世味不澹者,道味不浓;熟处不生者,生处不熟。” (3).指文章的内容与文辞的色彩。 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·附会》:“赞曰:篇统间关,情数稠叠。原始要终,疎条布叶,道味相附,悬绪自接。”
