




  • 都数

  • All number

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 数都数不清Number of countless;Are countless number of;Number all innumerable;There are countless

  • 陶都数码yxtaodu

  • 巴都万数列Padovan sequence

  • 数都数不完Too many to count

  • 数都数不过来The number cannot count;Can't count the number

  • 南都有数ndyoushu

  • 大多数航线都有BAF;bunker ajustment factor

  • 京都大学数字计算机kyoto university digital computer

  • 我们都喜欢数学We all love math;We love math;We all liked math

  • 都属于数字货币DIGICCY



My heart has been crushed so many times before, I have almost lost count.


Oh, too many to count them.


When I'm not from work every day to count the stars, sometimes also can see the sunrise.


It's just a drop in the bucket. That car has more scratches on it than I can count.


she knows enough about my past to figure out that she can't count my lovers on her fingers.


Nothing great or small escapes the ordaining hand of him who numbers the hairs of our head.


Don't worry about it. It's just a drop in the bucket. That car has more scratches on it than I can count.


He lost count of the number of cars he washed and Windows he cleaned, but the money increased and he knew that he would soon have enough for the bicycle he longed for.


You all understand that you should not choose a larger number.


All the isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons, but differ in their number of neutrons, and hence in their atomic mass.


The test client spawns the specified number of threads, each supplied with its own URL object.


Due to the large number of vectors in common between the query and results, the appropriate files are listed at the top of the search results.


Normally a romantic symbol of the most popular tourist city in the world, the river became a watery morgue for scores of victims, whose lifeless bodies were washing up for weeks afterwards.

一份1949年的解密文档称,当时有三名相隔英里的巡逻人员报告称发现一架U FO坠毁在盐湖城北部的山间。

A declassified document from 1949 tells how three men, on patrols miles apart, each reported seeing a UFO break up over mountains north of Salt Lake City.


It may sometimes seem like you're adding way more than the suggested pound per week.


Walk across our villages and you will see young boys walking and running miles a day, you will see young girls balance heavy POTS for long stretches.


Lines 34 through 41 define the values for this parameter: the minimum employees needed on each day of the week.


Most of us have four employment. True statistics now in the free market, where we calculate our unemployment per five person, 20 percent, so they haven’t given us sound money.


The most striking feature of rising wage dispersion is not the wider gap between the skilled and unskilled but the bigger slice that goes to a tiny elite.


Then, so long as the user types Numbers below 42, everything works.


Most countries have more bronzes and silvers than gold, showing a broader base of competition that isn't driven exclusively toward winning gold.


The total number of births, birth rate and proportion of births to unmarried women all increased by 3 percent to 5 percent from 2006 to 2007.


And when I multiply all that out, it's 2.8 meters.


This was probably the 150th blade, but I must admit I lost count.


And, each of them has a number next to it which tells us the value of a function there.


Teams are concerned that they will be unable to travel around in the next few weeks - in Spain, flying is more common for teams where the distances here are greater.


In January a report by the National Audit Office, a spending watchdog, showed that the number of refused applications was consistently higher than the number being deported (see chart).


In January a report by the National Audit Office, a spending watchdog, showed that the number of refused applications was consistently higher than the number being deported (see chart).


So by parallel we mean - they're either both spin up remember that's our spin quantum number, that fourth quantum number.


When you get--this is Rituparna, counting the leaves on a tree-- you can estimate, from a sample, the population expected values.


So part of it is, you yourselves have figured out, some of you, that you shouldn't choose a high number.


All right. So let's look at some of these wave functions and make sure that we know how to name all of them in terms of orbitals and not just in terms of their numbers.


But if, at any point, I get to a place in the list where the thing I'm looking for is smaller than the element in the list, I know everything else in the rest of the list has to be bigger than that, I don't have to bother looking anymore.


And it may well be that no poem has ever been since Paradise Lost published with line numbers in its very first edition.


The same number of electrons, but the number of protons keeps going up, up, up.


And then we have a great war for weeks and it's all Eli Whitney.


Most censuses were taken, by the way, as a way of counting heads, the number of people who had to be fed at the time of a siege.


When you add it to any number, it doesn't make a difference.


And so this begs the question, even in the context of these cups, how can we possibly do better if at the end of the day in order to figure out if two cups or if two people or if two ints inside of an array are bigger or smaller than one another it feels like we have to do this comparison work anyway.


You bought the house for $300,000; you sell it for $270,000 that's exactly what you owe, so you have nothing left.


You can go ahead and use that equation, or you could figure it out every time, because if you know the total number of nodes, and you know the angular node number, then you know how many nodes you're going to have left.


Let's search to see though now if a million is in this list, or 10 million, whichever way I did this it must be a million, right?


They would have appeared in the seventeenth century with line numbers because line numbers obviously facilitate the production of scholarly commentary and facilitate the study of those texts in the classroom.


He stayed up all night and counted every leaf on the tree and it came very close to what Rituparna said, so he--the next morning-- believed Rituparna.


The only precedent Milton would have had even for the idea of line numbers would have been the great ancient classics, the magnificent Renaissance editions of Homer and Virgil.


Most of these episodes will occur in the book of Numbers, and they involve the rebellion of the people in some way, generally God's fury in reaction to that rebellion, Moses' intervention usually on behalf of the people, and God's appeasement.


It's as if the numbers 46 and above don't exist.


It means anybody using that little function get float doesn't have to worry about what's inside of it. So for example, I decide I want to change the message I print out, I don't have to change the function, I just pass in a different parameter.


That makes sense because we know that every single electron has to have its own distinct set of four quantum numbers, the only way that we can do that is to have a maximum of two spins in any single orbital or two electrons per orbital.


sine and cosine are definite numbers.


So, if you look at all of these, we have full octets for all of them, and if we count up all of the valence electrons, it's going to be equal to our number 26 here.


So that's why we saw, for example, in the p orbitals we had one angular node in each p orbital, because l is equal to 1 there.


Each of your names is on this spreadsheet and the number you chose.


Yeah. Suppose I choose it right down there I guess 0. Well, the tangent there will not even have an x intercept. So I'm really going to be dead in the water.



都数 都数是汉语词汇,拼音是dōu shù,解释为总数。
