n.helmet ; burgonet
misc.steel helmet
而纽约的" 钢盔 "( Helmet )则在"音速青年"、"致命玩笑"(Killing Joke)和"巨黑"(Big Black)的影响和感召下凭借1992年的首张突破性专辑< ... welding helmetn.焊工帽;焊工面罩 crash helmet安全帽;(飞行员,摩托车驾驶员等的)防撞头盔 steel helmet钢盔 ... ... air-tight tins 密封罐头 tin hat 钢盔 cigarettes in tins 听装香烟 ... ... service cap军帽 steel cap钢盔 work cap工作帽 ... 轻钢盔Basinet 钢盔护身的Steel-Clad 一种轻钢盔basinet 钢盔猪Corporal Pig 陆军钢盔Army helmet 钢盔式无线电收发机helmet transceiver 钢盔团Stahlhelm 一颗流弹击中他的钢盔,又滑开了。 A stray bullet struck his helmet and glanced off. 矿工头戴钢盔,防备落下的岩石。 Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks. 士兵们用树叶遮盖钢盔当掩护。 The soldiers covered their helmets with leaves as camouflage. 附件有钢盔灯和无线电通信器。 Accessories like helmet lamps and radio communication. 如果这个还不成,去买钢盔吧。 Failing that, buy a helmet. 一颗流弹击中他的钢盔,又弹了开去。 A stray bullet struck his steel helmet and glanced off. 用这类树脂生产了成百万只钢盔内衬。 The resins were used to turn out millions of helmet liners. 米尼塔向医院的后勤中士领回了枪和钢盔。 Minetta collected his rifle and helmet from the hospital supply sergeant. 他们甚至连钢盔都没有。 They dont even have helmets. 因为那会使钢盔无处放。 Beause that would leave no place to put the helmet. 把那顶钢盔给我,下士。 Give me that helmet, corporal. 欧吕阿鲁斯闪闪发光的钢盔引起了他们的注意。 The glittering helmet of euryalus caught their attention . 这伙人到地下前,每人发一套新的工装裤和钢盔。 New overalls and helmets were dished out before the party went underground. 他的钢盔已经掉了,他额上头发的边沿上在流血。 His helmet was off and his forehead was bleeding below the hair line. 必披上正义,当作胸甲:戴上了正直的判断,当作钢盔。 He will put on justice as a breastplate, and will take true judgment instead of a helmet. 在这一步,你依然可以调暗钢盔的主体部分来配合条纹。 In this step, you can also darken the main part of the helmet to match the peak. 扎伊采夫和他的观察员助手举起一个戴着钢盔的假人头。 Zaitsev and his aides raised an observer wearing helmets at the head. 瓦西里认出这是一个骗局,因为这顶钢盔运动得很不平均。 Vasile recognize this is a hoax, because this movement has no roof helmets average. 士兵们垂下头,手持钢盔,站在上星期被震倒的城镇的瓦砾堆上。 Heads bowed, helmets in their hands, soldiers balanced on the rubble of a town devastated by last week's earthquake. 那孩子没带武器,也没戴钢盔,看来是打算过来投降时,触发了“蠢货套索”。 The boy was unarmed and wore no helmet so he may well have coming in to surrender when he set off the booby trap. 而头戴橙色建筑安全帽充当钢盔的非洲雇佣军四处杀戮,更让利比亚民众对外来人士的反感雪上加霜。 Widespread killing by African mercenaries wearing orange construction hard-hats for helmets has further turned popular Libyan sentiment against foreigners. 对珊迪来说,海绵宝宝是她在海里最好的特技表演伙伴,当他们在一起时,钢盔和降落伞通常是必不可少的。 For Sandy, SpongeBob is the sea bottoms best stunt buddy, and when they get together, crash helmets16 and parachutes17 are usually required. 一顶髓钢盔的这一个图像被借由使用修理一使40度的方向模糊和一使10个图素的距离模糊生产在权利上的图像。 This image of a pith helmet was fixed by using a Blur Direction of 40 degrees and a Blur Distance of 10 pixels to produce the image on the right. 大脑周围的组织,一个三磅(1.4千克)重的钢盔状的一块脂肪和蛋白质,像海绵清洁制品一样皱皱的,密度跟酷乳差不多。 So is the surrounding tissue of her brain, a three-pound (1.4-kilogram), helmet-shaped bolus of fat and protein, wrinkled like a cleaning sponge and with a consistency of curdled milk. 大脑周围的组织,一个三磅(1.4千克)重的钢盔状的一块脂肪和蛋白质,像海绵清洁制品一样皱皱的,密度跟酷乳差不多。 So is the surrounding tissue of her brain, a three-pound (1.4-kilogram), helmet-shaped bolus of fat and protein, wrinkled like a cleaning sponge and with a consistency of curdled milk. 钢盔 "钢盔"是个多义词,它可以指钢盔(帽子的一种),南韩血战记,钢盔(1941年的意大利电影)。 以上关于钢盔的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习钢盔的英语有帮助。钢盔的汉英大词典