




  • 非据

  • Not according to

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 非法证据排除the exclusion of illegal evidence

  • 非结构化数据Unstructured data

  • 非实时数据delayed data

  • 非关系型数据库NOSQL;NoSQL database;Document MongoDB, Couchbase, RethinkDB

  • 非即时数据Delayed data;haha delayed data

  • 非CPU镜头数据Non-CPU lens data

  • 非格式化数据nonformatted data

  • 美国非农数据US Non-farm Payrolls;farm Payrolls

  • 非平衡数据imbalanced data



MRAM is non-volatile memory, it is also power efficient and operates at ultra-high speed, the companies said in a joint statement.


According to a study by three IMF economists, a doubling of the oil price results eventually in a 50% rise in the price of non-tradable goods (such as housing), relative to tradables.

1995年,共有322起这样的收购; 2004年共有1400多起, 设在圣莫尼卡的赛特并购 ( mergerstat.com ) ,一个并购数公司 的统计。

In 1995 there were 322 such acquisitions; in 2004 there were more than 1,400, according to FactSet Mergerstat (mergerstat.com), a mergers and acquisition data firm based in Santa Monica.


According to Fitch, the average investment bank holds more than twice as much capital as it does illiquid assets.

信息产业部消息,我国将从明年起启动手机实名制。 信息产业部新闻处处长王立健上周日说,届时,新手机用户和现有的约2亿名实名预付费用户都需要进行实名登记。

The new rule will apply not only to new users, but also about 200 million pre-paid cell phone users, Wang Lijian, dean of MII's News Department, said on Sunday.


Deposits held at Irish Banks by nonresidents plunged 49% from a year ago through February, Minerd estimates.


According to FDA those formulations contain non-glucose sugars, which can falsely elevate blood sugar results and increase the risk of insulin overdose.


According to Pfizer, the questionable batches of Viracept contained an unusually high level of the compound ethyl methanesulfonate, or EMS, a suspected human carcinogen.


The Philadelphia 76ers reportedly offered Allen Iverson a non-guaranteed contract for 1 year and are awaiting a response from Iverson's agent, the Seattle Times reported.


According to relevant statistics, the number of the dispute is at the rate of 30% every year, rapid spread a serious threat to human reproductive health.


English vocabulary has the nature of arbitrariness and motivation.


Investigators and cooperative groups are currently evaluating sorafenib in various breast cancer treatment Settings, according to Bayer.


Systemic ALCL is a rare malignant tumor (non-Hodgkin lymphoma) that may appear in several parts of the body including the lymph nodes, skin, bones, soft tissue, lungs or liver, according to the NCI.


Hutchison estimates that bowel diseases, which cause a range of symptoms including abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, unintentional weight loss and ulcers, affect one million patients in the U. s.


According to the analysis of SEM spectrogram, the isintegration of molybdenite is the result of comprehensive effect of brittle cleavage fracture and plastic-brittle noncleavage laceration.


Plan b, as outlined by Palestinian officials, is to ask the General Assembly to upgrade Palestine to a non-member state from its current status as an observer.


According to one study, children from first cousin marriages are only 1.7 to 2.8 percent more likely to be born with serious birth defects than children of conventional marriages.


Based on the calculation and analysis of comprehensive index-polluted, shallow-seated groundwater in Dongtinghu district can be divided into 4 classes of serious, middle, lower and no pollution.


By reviewing the differences in non-noun lexical meaning and evidence of their division, it is thought that only divided their usage clearly can they be used normally.


A restaurant in Guangzhou Cityrecently posted a notice warning against non-customer use of its bathrooms, the Information Times reported.


According to the statistical analysis of the accidental types in the operation of electric power system, the time of unplanned outage of electric power system caused by the circuit breaker is most.


According to the statistical analysis of the accidental types in the operation of electric power system, the time of unplanned outage of electric power system caused by the circuit breaker is most.



非据 fēi jù ㄈㄟ ㄐㄨˋ 非据(非据)
