High view
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
最高观测频率maximum observed frequency
关于美感和崇高感的观察Observation on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime; Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen;Observation on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime
居高观测法Elevated observer method
沸点升高观察observed boiling point elevation
高观点下的初等数学Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint
高空观测[地物]upper-air observation;air observation;aerological observation
高观点大视野多角度Chinese Journal of Chemical Education
澳门观光塔高飞跳S kyJum
Can improve the ability to observe, to increase memory.
The paper also discussed how to improve precision of the evaluation.
This treatment could delay senescence and enhance the ornamental value effectively.
For viewing objects that require still greater enlargement, the electron microscope is used.
Maximum observed frequency in HF backscatter ionogram and day variblelaw of slope distance.
Based on a detailed analysis of error source, some measures for increase of observation accuracy have been suggested.
Meanwhile, we try to explore efficient measures of middle school mathematics research from " high viewpoints ".
Offering free access seems to reinforce the broadcaster's brand, and boosts viewer loyalty.
“Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to our experience; it’s developing the ability to observe and not to judge, ” he said.
The second part in carries on classified to the high viewpoint topic in the foundation, and introduces this research the correlation theories support.
In order to save observing expense and improve observing efficiency, the remote observing system in 2.4m telescope will establish.
最高观赏塔八达岭站在山顶,之后才达到急剧攀升,如“攀登梯子上天堂” 。
The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven".
When I make a film-short I scour my CD's for a clip that will heighten the audience's attention.
In this paper, the main sources of the errors in a meridian catalog, the characteristics of the equal altitude observation and the shortages of an equal altitude catalog are described.
The method can achieve fourth-grade leveling survey precision demand by precision analysis, and then brings forward some measure to increase observation precision.
The Oriental Pearl Tower, 88-storied Jinmao Tower and the Global Finance Center are considered as a "golden triangle for high altitude viewing".
To popularize Sanshou, it essential to explore its national characteristics and promote its visual art. Consequently, emphasis should be laid on perfecting the regulations.
Digital video post-processing IC is designed for consumer video format conversion to attain high quality image, which mainly includes de-interlacing spatial conversions and picture rate conversion.
There were abundance of(more than 540 species) wild fern plant resources in Emei Mountain, of which ornamental ferns accounted for 36 families, 60 genera and 104 species.
Instead, it pays to put companies' videos in places where users will find them and share them organically, driving up views.
It is introduced the geoelectric system, safeguard of its circuit system, trouble clearing and AIDS protection and in order to improve the observation data.
Adopting survey technology of double-head water-stopped machine flowing high of upward-inclined drillhole rock destruction rules were surveyed, development height of water conducted zone was gained.
There are places tucked away along the path of the Moon's shadow that promise a little more sunshine than the rest and there are strategies to improve the odds.
There are places tucked away along the path of the Moon's shadow that promise a little more sunshine than the rest and there are strategies to improve the odds.
高观 宫观 - 高观四川江油市 ɡāo ɡuān 高观高观 高大的宫观 汉 王粲 思友赋登城隅之高观忽临下以翱翔 居高望远 晋 郭璞 登百尺楼赋在青阳之季月登百尺以高观 高 观 位 于 四 川 省 江 油 市 西 南 崇 山 峻 岭 之 间 的 八 一 乡 天 台 村 此 观 正 殿 三 间 两 侧 配 殿 各 一 间 正 殿 内 供 奉 太 上 老 君 左 右 配 殿 分 别 供 奉 关 圣 帝 君 和 慈 航 道 人 正 殿 始 建 年 代 不 详 左 右 配 殿 据 观 内 碑 石 记 载 为 清 朝 干 隆 五 十 一 年 1 7 8 6 年 所 建 此 观 小 巧 玲 珑 结 构 精 美 四 周 群 山 吐 翠 峰 峦 叠 嶂 风 光 迷 人 1 9 3 5 年 三 台 县 云 台 观 全 真 道 士 王 崇 林 何 崇 森 师 兄 弟 二 人 前 来 观 中 居 住 因 二 位 道 长 住 庙 期 间 广 为 群 众 治 疗 疾 病 解 除 痛 苦 加 之 他 们 生 活 俭 朴 品 德 高 尚 颇 受 当 地 群 众 的 尊 敬 故 至 今 高 观 的 香 火 仍 然 很 兴 旺 每 年 庙 会 期 间 前 来 庙 内 进 香 朝 拜 的 善 男 信 女 络 绎 不 绝